The Liturgy of City Lights Church

  • The Call to Worship

    We open up our service preparing our hearts to Worship God. We do that by praising God together with a corporate acclamation and praying the collect of purity out loud together. We do these things to recognize that God is the reason we are at church and that He is worthy of our praise.

  • Worship

    We are told to make a joyful noise to the Lord. We worship God by singing songs of praise to Him.

  • Give

    We continue in worship by giving our tithes and offerings to the Lord. We chose to worship God by trusting Him with our finances. Everything is His and we are honored to give back to Him in sacrificial giving.

  • Passing of the Peace

    We take time to greet each other with the peace of the Lord. We offer the same peace that Jesus offers to us. This isn’t a moment of just saying hi to someone, it is a moment to share Christ’s peace with them. It is at this moment that we encourage you if you have an offense or issue with someone that you offer them peace.

  • The Gospel Reading

    We will read from one of the Gospels every Sunday. We all stand together while the good news is read among us. It is a reminder that the good news of the gospel is for all of us. We end the reading by thanking God for His word.

  • Confession

    This is the moment where we prepare our hearts for meeting God at His table. We pray the prayer of confession out loud together. This is not a moment to feel bad about ourselves but a moment to recognize our need for a savior, This is a moment to be overwhelmed with God’s grace towards us.

  • The Lords Prayer

    We pray the Lord’s prayer outlod together. We pray this bodly knowing that God answers.

  • Communion

    We are all invited to come to the table and receive communion. We meet God at the table and believe that the bread and wine are true spiritual food for us. The table is for anyone who professes Christ as their savior. You do not have to be a member of City Lights to partake in communion.

  • Post Communion Prayer

    We pray the post-communion prayer out loud together. We thank God for feeding us and we ask God to send us out into the world in peace.

  • The Blessing

    We lift our hands and have a prayer of blessing prayed over us.

  • The Sending

    We are reminded that we are sent out into the world. We ask God to send us out in the power of the Holy Spirit. We end the service by thanking God.